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Showing posts from February, 2015

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Kali Linux Terminal Customization Tutorial

Today I'll show you guys how to change kali linux terminal header text.

Bypass FB security question [Full Tut]

How to Login in Facebook without Getting the Security Question? Have you ever got your victim s FB ID & PASS,but security question stopped you?Here is way to bypass FB Security Question! Requirements IP adress of your victim 1.Go to Here 2.Enter IP adress of your victim 3.You will see location of your victim 4.Now go to Here 5.Find the proxy IP address based on the victim's Country 6.Set the proxy IP in mozilla (go down to see how to do it ) 7.Now login to facebook with id you got. you won't get Security Question now. HOW TO SET PROXY IP IN MOZILLA 1.Open Mozilla FireFox. 2.Select Tools from menu bar(or simply press ALT+T) 3.Click the Options 4.Small window Will Open. 5.Navigate to Advanced tab 6.Click Settings. 7.Now select the Manual Proxy Configuration Radio Button. 8.Paste the one of the Ip address of Proxy server and set the Port as defined in the list. For Eg: Let's take this proxy Here ip address is ...

How to make your own 100% FUD crypter with C++ & its General Aspects [Full Tut]

This tutorial is strictly for educational purposes only, ******* is no way associated with this or for what purpose you may use this . I'm not going to explain a completely new method of how executables can be made FUD. I guess most of the public available crypters do it similarly. But the problem with those crypters is that they get detected very soon after they were published. So I figured out a way to write my own crypter in C++. In this tutorial I'm going to explain how you can implement your own crypter and how you can play around with the code to get your exe FUD again if it gets detected some day. Maybe these ideas are not new to you and someone else posted them already here somewhere. In this case please let me know. I tested it with two RATs: - Poison Ivy server (v2.3.2) - Cybergate server (v1.07.5) (Hint: "Compress with UPX" must be disabled) (other tools might also work with this technique, just test with your exe) The system i...

Hack Facebook and Others many account using keylogger (Full Tutorial)

Q) What is a keylogger? A) A keylogger is a program or software which logs or track the keystrokes by the user and saves them into a file Q) Where are keylogs saved? A) It saves the logs into a text file which is present either in windows directory or in cache memory Q) Since it saves logs in the Pc ,do i need physical access to that computer ? A) Not necessarily ,It depends on the keylogger you are using . If you are using a remote keylogger you dont need physical access to that computer. The logger will automatically upload the logs to your **FTP SERVER** ,website,email… Step 1. Creating the Keylogger Server 1. Download the keylogger. Click Here Password: soleyman 2. Extract the file, Now you will get two folders:   a. First one contains Keylogger and  Binder b. Second Contains resource hacker tool.( to extract the icons from installers). 3. Now open the Keylogger. It contains two files one for gmail email and other for password. Fo...