Today I'll show you guys how to change kali linux terminal header text.
How to Crack Accounts Using Bruteforce Brute force attacks are one of the most commonly used attacks to compromise online accounts, they have been known for decades but still they are actively being used to compromise online accounts, in this tutorial I would be demonstrating how you can utilize a brute force attacks on Web forms using a popular and powerful tool called Sentry MBA This tutorial is divided into 6 parts: 1) Cracking Terms and some theory 2) Tools Needed 3) Gathering Combos 4) Gathering Proxies 5) Testing Proxies 6) Making Config and Cracking 1) Cracking terms and some theory: Dictionary Attack: A dictionary attack is a method of hacking into a password-protected computer or server or account by systematically entering every word in a dictionary (wordlist or combolist) as a password and or username. Wordlist or Passwordlist : Wordlist or passwordlist is a list of words that is used for cracking hashes (encrypted text) or those logi...